LIGHT FALLS brings to the city the beauty of nature in one of its most powerful forms: the waterfall. Water, a vital source of life and energy, connecting communities and fostering human relationships, lies at the heart of this installation. The interplay of lights recreates the natural movement of water, illuminating the interwoven tubes on the ground and simulating the impact of water against rocks, all accompanied by the ambient sounds of the forest environment.
This installation creates an immersive environment, enveloping the audience in an experience that mirrors the harmony of nature. The duality of water – both vital and delicate – is highlighted, reminding us of its historical and contemporary significance in the human journey. Yet, it also points to the urgent need to protect this essential resource, impacted by human actions.
LIGHT FALLS invites us to reflect on the intrinsic connection between humans and the natural environment, reminding us of the vital role we play in the global ecosystem. As integral parts of this ecosystem, we are called upon to preserve water and nurture our bond with Mother Nature. The artwork celebrates humanity and encourages us to explore our profound and essential relationship with the natural world.

2023_FILE Festival _ São Paulo - Brazil
2023_Glow Georgetown _ Washington D.C. - USA
2022_Iluminarte _ São Paulo - Brazil
2022_Glow Nights _ Jackson - USA
2021_Canal Convergence _ Scottsdale - USA
2021_Essen Light Festival _ Essen - Germany
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