Leandro Mendes - VIGAS is an artist from Joinville, Brazil. He holds a degree in Design and a postgraduate degree in cinema. His works include large-scale projections, light
installations, 360-degree projections, and live performances. His public art projects focus
on organic aesthetics and aim to immerse the viewer in unique experiences.
The artist began exploring multimedia performances in 2003 while in university,
experimenting with live images, VJing, and live cinema. In July 2012, he became the
champion of the international VJ tournament Videozone held in Poland. He also secured 1st
place in four editions of the VJ TORNA International competition held in Mexico, Italy, South
Africa, and Turkey. He was awarded in the modern video mapping category at the Circle of
Light in Moscow, Russia. Throughout his career, he has presented his work at festivals such
as the Amsterdam Light Festival in Amsterdam (Netherlands), SP Urban Digital Festival in
São Paulo (Brazil), Circle of Light in Moscow (Russia), Athens Digital Art Festival in Athens
(Greece), SAT Festival in Montreal (Canada), and Sónar Festival in Barcelona (Spain).
In 2019, he won the EMMY Award as the protagonist of the series "Hack the City" created
by National Geographic, which resulted in a light installation in São Paulo. He also won the
international LIT Awards 2022 for lighting design with his project "APPARATUS 1010"
during the Noor Riyadh Festival in Saudi Arabia.
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