Developed as an immersive experience, this installation offers visitors the opportunity to control light and sound through hand movements. Using sensors, the lights adjust in sync with real-time generated sound effects, creating an engaging environment and a unique experience for the audience.

CONTATO invites the public to experience a simulation of the first encounter with a non-intelligent language, stimulating communication between humans and machines through gestures with immediate responses from both sides. It alludes to the increasingly pervasive presence of operating systems in our daily lives.
Through this interaction, visitors are encouraged to explore the potential of gestural communication in an increasingly technology-oriented world. The installation demonstrates the growing interconnectedness between humanity and artificial intelligence, questioning how we can adapt and harness this relationship to shape the future. It provides an opportunity to experience the evolution of man-machine communication and reflect on its role in our everyday lives.

2018_O Sítio gallery _ Florianópolis - Brazil
2022_Paseo Project _ Taos - USA
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