Vigas was one of the four artists invited to participate in the documentary miniseries Hack The City, produced by National Geographic in collaboration with Intel in 2018. The result of his participation was the creation of Biolumen 1.0.
Biolumen 1.0 is a light installation inspired by bioluminescence, the ability of certain living organisms to emit their own light. Many creatures that inhabit dark zones possess the ability to generate light through chemical reactions. In this sense, the artist transforms the walkway into a living, pulsating entity for those both inside and outside of it.
Through chromatic pixel programming, the artwork offers a temporary liberation from our usual perceptions, as if we were inhabiting two different spaces simultaneously: the routine space of the walkway and the playful universe of the artist.

Watch the episode in which the artist participated in the link below:

2018_Hack The City_National Geographic
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